From one empowered woman to another -

In the fast-paced world of leadership, it’s easy to lose sight of your true self.

Many women leaders find themselves juggling countless responsibilities, struggling to maintain authenticity while meeting the demands of their roles.

As someone who’s walked this path, I understand the challenges you face, and I’m here to help you navigate them with confidence.

I specialize in helping women leaders like you uncover your authentic leadership style. My goal is to empower you to lead consciously, making a lasting difference in your organization and in the lives of those you lead.

Let’s work together to unlock the leader you’re meant to be.

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Cartoon of a woman with her arms crossed with a shadow of her muscles and a cape behind her

Lead with authenticity and confidence

Break free from limiting patterns and embrace your full potential

Discover the leadership style that aligns with your true self

Create a life and career that brings you joy and fulfillment

Deepen your self-awareness and transform how you interact with the world

Make a lasting impact as a conscious, empowered leader

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“I honestly did not know how much I would get out of my sessions, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much insight I was able to uncover as well as apply to my daily life. First, I was mistyped before meeting Joanna. Getting typed correctly was the first huge aha!, and so many things clicked into place after that. From there, her thoughtful homework exercises really helped me to uncover hidden motivations I had. I was then able to make better decisions armed with this information - decisions that are more inline with my values and aspirations - instead of unhealthy patterns I didn't know I had.”

I was pleasantly surprised by how much insight I was able to uncover

Cassie P., Personal Growth Coaching

Create a life you can be proud of

woman sitting at a desk in front of her computer pumping her fist in the air
white circles on a blue-gray background

Uncover what’s holding you back

  • Lead with unwavering confidence

  • Guide descions by purpose and authenticity

  • Wake up excited about the impact you're making

  • Achieve fulfillment in both career and personal life

  • Create a legacy beyond just reaching milestones

  • Live a life of meaningful leadership

Commit to your growth path

  • Step into your full potential to shape your future

  • Breaking down barriers that have held you back

  • Build a vision for a career and life aligned with your true self

  • Gain clarity on goals

  • Develop skills to navigate complex challenges

  • Find a balance between personal and professional life

  • Chart a path to lasting satisfaction and success

Enjoy life on your terms

  • Grow into the leader you're meant to be

  • Discover renewed purpose and fulfillment

  • Lead with greater impact

  • Find joy in your accomplishments

  • Cultivate a life that is both successful and truly satisfying

headshot of Joanna wearing a blue blouse

I’m Joanna

After 25 years building and leading high-performing media sales teams, I enter a new phase in my professional career. 

I answer a soul calling to help others to be successful….starting with you.

As a Professional Certified ICF Coach and Certified Enneagram Professional (both expected December 2024), I am dedicated to empowering women to reach their fullest potential in life and in their professional careers. 

It’s my mission to inspire and facilitate the expansion, growth, and empowerment of women who are interested in becoming the best version of themselves.

I would love to help you on your inner growth journey! 

Ways we can work together

older woman and a younger woman working at a desk in front of a laptop

Leadership development Coaching

For the bussinesswoman

Unlock your leadership potential with our 3-6 month coaching program focused on personalized growth and skill development.

Benefit from tailored sessions, a comprehensive personality assessment, and weekly wisdom videos to enhance your workplace performance.

woman looking at a computer screen of another woman waving

personal Growth

For the everyday woman

Unlock a deeper understanding of yourself with our personalized 3-6 month coaching program, designed to transform the way you interact with the world.

Through customized journaling, goal alignment, and focused sessions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your true nature and develop the tools to navigate life with greater peace and clarity.

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I am a much happier person with more joy in my life

“Since working with Joanna, I am much calmer as I can identify potential anger situations quickly and able to draw from my caregiver "wing" to diffuse a situation. Overall I am a much happier person with more joy in my life. Thank you Joanna!!”

Karen M., Personal Growth Coaching

REady to start your journey?

Schedule your free consult call and let’s get started!