Transformative Coaching for Lasting Change

Imagine a life in which you Break through to the next level.

Whether that’s preparing for a promotion, leveling up your leadership skills after a promotion, or even entertaining a career change, there is work to be done to be the best version of yourself.

Are you ready to get to work on YOU?

Maybe Instead, you find yourself struggling with:

imposter syndrome

  • High expectations and numerous challenges as a woman leader

  • The burden of feeling responsible for everything

  • Struggles with imposter syndrome

  • Career stagnation and feeling stuck

  • Difficulty balancing responsibilities and maintaining clarity on the path forward

Communication issues

  • Questioning how to lead with authenticity without compromising values

  • Navigating complex interpersonal dynamics

  • Seeking fulfillment and joy in work while achieving goals

  • Recognizing the significant challenges faced by many women leaders

  • Understanding that overcoming these challenges requires more than
    surface-level solutions

visibility and recognition

  • Challenges with visibility and recognition as a woman leader

  • Feelings of being overlooked or undervalued despite contributions

  • Importance of understanding the dynamics at play

  • Feeling men continue to take credit for your work

Ensight is here to help you on your journey

To all women who have faced adversity:

Your journey is your power.

Embrace it, for within every challenge lies the chance to rise.

With a deep understanding of the Enneagram and leadership experience, I offer coaching tailored to your unique needs. Together, we'll uncover the patterns holding you back and equip you with tools to break free. My approach helps you connect with your true self, enhance your leadership, and create lasting change that transforms both your career and your life.

Together, we will illuminate paths, ignite passions, and empower your future.

Yellow bubble lights on a black background
Cartoon image of a businesswoman with her arms crossed and a shadow of her in a cape behind her

build a stronger sense of self with a healthy mindset

woman standing in front of a chalkboard with drawn muscles in chalk

Discover your authentic leadership style and lead with unwavering confidence, grounded in a deep understanding of yourself.

purple arrow pointing right

Gain Clarity and Confidence:

Break free from the patterns that hold you back and cultivate a mindset that empowers you to achieve your full potential.

purple arrow pointing right

Overcome Limiting Beliefs:

Develop the tools to navigate challenges with grace, maintaining your inner strength and peace in even the most demanding situations.

purple arrow pointing right

Enhance Emotional Resilience:

Build stronger, more compassionate relationships by leading with empathy and understanding, both in your personal life and within your team.

purple arrow pointing right

Foster Meaningful Connections:

Ready to step into your power?
you’re inthe right place!

Let’s get you started by picking the best coaching option for you.

Coaching options

older woman and a younger woman working at a desk in front of a laptop

Leadership Development

Great for Emerging Leaders, Small Business Owners, Mid-Level Managers, High-Potential Employees

  • Discovery Call: Introductory conversation to ensure we make a good fit

  • Assessment: Personality assessment and debrief

  • Orientation: Coaching orientation to discuss leadership goals

  • Session Scheduling: Scheduling of 7 sessions—six 50-minute coaching sessions (every 2-3 weeks) and one 50-minute wrap-up session

  • Progress Evaluation: Evaluation of progress and development of a long-term plan

  • Weekly Support: Weekly customized wisdom videos

  • Assessment Tool: Enneagram used as a personality assessment tool

  • Leadership Focus: Focus on developing leadership skills for the workplace

  • Minimal Teaching: Minimal time spent teaching or consulting on Enneagram types



woman looking at a computer screen of another woman waving

personal Development

Great for those looking to develop
and enhance their personal
skills to live their best life

  • Discovery Call: An introductory conversation to ensure fit

  • Assessment: Personality assessment and debrief

  • Orientation: Coaching orientation to discuss personal goals

  • Session Scheduling: Scheduling of 7 sessions—six 50-minute coaching sessions (every 2-3 weeks) and one 50-minute wrap-up session

  • Progress Evaluation: Evaluation of progress and development of a long-term plan

  • Customized Journal: 12-week online printable journal customized to your Enneagram type

  • Growth Focus: Focus on the Enneagram as a tool for growth

  • Awareness Alignment: Alignment of current awareness with personal goals

  • Customized Plan: Customized plan addressing personal growth in relationships or career

  • Learning and Exercises: Teaching, specific assignments, self-observation, and reflection exercises



Diversity Statement: Personal growth must be inclusive for our personal journey to help us change the world for all.  I recognize diversity in life and “women” as individuals born female, individuals who identify as a woman, gender fluid individuals, including all ages, races, colors, or ethnicities.  All are truly welcome here. 

Picture of Joanna in a red jacket

Meet Your Empowerment guru

Welcome, I'm Joanna.

I've spent years navigating the male-dominated world of media sales—a tough arena where women's voices are often undervalued. But I’ve never let that diminish my drive or determination.

As a soon-to-be Certified Enneagram Professional and a Professional Certified Coach (ICF), my mission is clear: to empower women to rise above these challenges, embrace their full potential, and lead with strength and authenticity.

I’m here to help you break through barriers, redefine what's possible, and become the leader you're meant to be. If you're ready to take the next step, or if you have any questions, reach out—I’m here to support you on this journey.


  • Coaching is a collaborative process where a coach helps you clarify your goals, identify obstacles, and create actionable plans to achieve your desired outcomes. It can help you gain self-awareness, enhance your personal and professional growth, and unlock your full potential.

  • While therapy or counseling often focuses on healing past wounds and resolving psychological issues, coaching is future-oriented and goal-driven. Coaching helps you move forward by setting and achieving specific goals, improving performance, and developing new skills.

  • During a coaching session, you can expect a confidential and supportive conversation where your coach will ask insightful questions, provide feedback, and offer strategies to help you achieve your goals. Each session is tailored to your unique needs and focuses on your growth and development.

  • The duration of a coaching engagement varies depending on your goals and needs. Some clients benefit from a few sessions, while others may work with a coach over several months or longer to achieve more complex or long-term goals.

  • Choosing the right coach involves considering their experience, coaching style, and areas of expertise. It's important to feel comfortable and have a good rapport with your coach, as a strong coach-client relationship is essential for effective coaching.

Empower yourself to make lasting changes. Discover your true potential with our personalized coaching