Overcome your past and embrace your rebirth. Become the leader you were meant to be.

Joanna smiling in front of a gray background

Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, my path to empowerment was forged through adversity.

Hi, I’m Joanna.

As a young girl, I faced hardships that often left me feeling powerless. But with each challenge, I discovered resilience and the strength to overcome. Those difficult moments became the foundation for my personal and professional growth.

My career in media sales provided stability, but it was my inner calling that led to a profound shift. Becoming an executive coach and Enneagram professional was my rebirth—a journey of self-discovery that illuminated my purpose. Now, I am dedicated to helping women leaders unlock their authentic voices and redefine success on their terms.

Through Ensight, I carry forward the torch of empowerment.

Just as the Phoenix rises from the ashes, I am committed to guiding others through their own transformative journeys.

Ensight is more than a company; it's a sanctuary where women leaders can thrive, supported by my blend of expertise and empathy.


Certified Enneagram Professional

International Enneagram Association,
CP Enneagram
(Expected December 2024)

Associate Certified Coach (ACC) Credential

International Coaching Federation,
Positive Coaching Solutions
(Expected December 2024)

MBA, Executive Program

University of Georgia,
Terry College of Business,
Athens, GA (2016)

Some Fun things about me

I am a “Challenger”

Yes, it’s true.  I’m an Enneagram 8 (we get a bad rap)…don’t be scared or trust the stereotypes.  I’ve done a done a TON of personal growth work.  I’m nice (you’ll see) and funny  and spend a lot of time consciously accessing the healthy aspects of 2 and I’ve learned how to slow down by consciously accessing the arrow line to 5.  

The enneagram has changed my life in more ways than one

I’ve been working with the Enneagram for over 15 years as a powerful tool in my own personal growth journey.  I found Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy from an Enneagram Coach, started listening to their podcast, took a few classes, and voila – It’s a new career!

I thought I was an enneagram type 3 for over 10 years

Before I knew I was an 8 with the Instinctual Sequence  (SX|SO|SP), I lived my life as a 3 when I was part of a study group that followed a less nuanced Enneagram Theory than the CP Enneagram Academy.  I never really felt like the 3 label fit my inner motivations, so it’s been fun over the past 2 ½ years to work as an 8. 

I’m fluent in german

I was born in Germany to an active-duty U.S. Air Force officer. The story goes that my mother could understand German and our German landlady could understand English, but neither of them learned to speak the other's language. So, as the youngest of three children, while my sisters were at school, my mother and the landlady would visit with one another. As a result, I was raised bilingual and I kept studying German – ending up with a second undergrad degree!

my self-preservation repressed instinct shows up in goofy ways

I almost always have breath mints in my purse….but very, very, very rarely do have a pen to write or take notes.  Look out if we meet in person, I will steal a pen from you!  If you ever see me power through a busy day with a bank or hotel pen, just know my Self Preservation instinct took a backseat once again!

Molly the cat sitting on a counter with a pen at her paw

I’m a low-key cat lady

I was VERY allergic to cats before I met my husband (a cat lover).  Crazy set of events, his cat became my cat and ended up sleeping with me and preferring me to him.  I call it Love Magic because I fell in love with the animal, which is also a very 8 thing to do. 😊

Rise from the ashes and thrive like the phoenix. Start your transformative journey today.